Pacific Peak’s East Ridge

July 28, 2024


Around 6:30 am in late July I arrived at the trailhead of Quandary Peak. This is generally a really stupid idea, as Quandary requires a shuttle reservation and a tolerance for throngs of hikers. But my destination was a trailhead at the end of McCullough Gulch Road that apparently still allowed free parking. And so I trundled along the dirt road, past the crowds, and towards the opposite end of the gulch.

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Scrambling Sunnyside II and Buckets (Flatirons)

June 10, 2024


We arrived at the large (and largely empty) parking lot beside the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). A brutalist research lab rose up on this grassy plateau, surrounded by open rolling hills peppered with tall, sparse evergreens. Behind the lab, rising much higher in the distance, were the southerly rock formations of Boulder’s famed Flatirons. The lot also doubled as a trailhead for recreating amongst these giant rock slabs.

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Wetterhorn Peak (Colorado)

September 3, 2022

Lake City and the San Jauns

The late afternoon sun poked in and out of view as I sped along Colorado 149 into the heart of the San Juan Mountains. It occasionally ducked behind increasingly rugged mountain peaks and silhouetted stands of aspens. Suddenly, the road dipped into a canyon directly beside the Lake Fork of the Gunnison. It was the Friday of Labor Day Weekend, and I saw maybe two other cars.

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